Remote teaching means instructors must work hard to maintain a strong, authentic presence within their online courses to assist in effective and engaging communication with students. Here, three digital teaching experts share their advice on how to create a clear instructor presence online that keeps students connected, before answering questions on key challenges. This webinar was filmed as part of a series produced by ACUE (the Association of College and University Educators) to help faculty with the digital pivot. If you’re in a hurry, browse the timeline below for the key topics covered and where in the video to find them.
00:46 Flower Darby discusses “What is online presence?” breaking it down into four key components: teaching presence, cognitive presence, social presence and emotional presence.
07:24 April Mondy offers four strategies to help instructors model online communications with their students in uncertain times
13:36 Kevin Gannon on creating a “parking lot” for items of discussion and conversation that are not part of the main course content but still need to happen
20:18 If you had to pick ONE strategy for online presence, what would it be?
24:11 How to strike a balance between communicating enough while not overwhelming students with communications – and avoiding email burn-out
35:51 Suggestions on how to reach students who do not have reliable internet or computer access
42:19 The importance of students turning their cameras on during synchronous classes
47:51 How can instructors manage students who will not cut them any slack?
This video was produced by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE).