Best practice for online, in-person and blended teaching pedagogy: educators from universities around the world share their advice, insights and experience
Extraneous cognitive load weighs especially heavily on students who have English as an additional language. Kate Power shares four ways in which you can support them while benefiting all students
From planning properly to understanding cognitive load, Aaron Taylor reveals how to engender greater student engagement and motivation through the flipped classroom
ChatGPT is a technological advancement on an already present risk of academic integrity, therefore the same careful approach to assessment design is required to minimise cheating, write Patrick Harte and Fawad Khaleel
Large-group interactive classroom games can bring learning alive. Here, Suzanne Bonner, K. K. Tang and Terence Yeo share how a scalable trading game uses social interactions to enhance learning
Helen Coulshed and Jeanne Wilson discuss their experience creating an interdisciplinary “service” module to challenge gender inequalities in local schools
Blended learning is not going away, so where do educators start when they want to create a blended course? In this video, Carl Sherwood shares tips for best practice
When an assessor awards a percentage to an essay, report or similar piece of work, this is a subjective mark rather than a genuine percentage – and this is deeply problematic
Artificial intelligence-powered tools like ChatGPT are forcing a much-needed opportunity to reimagine the role of education in the 21st century, says Alex Sims
Clear, fair assignments and grading criteria can improve not only students’ perceptions but also the reputation of the whole university, writes Philipp Sonnleitner
By applying principles of universal design for learning, lecturers can develop fairer approaches to assessment and plagiarism for multilingual international students, Andrea Feldman explains