Higher education leadership explained

By Miranda Prynne, 1 December, 2022
A guide to the skills and techniques that constitute effective leadership within universities and academia
Higher education leadership explained
A guide to the skills and techniques that constitute effective leadership within universities and academia
Image representing leadership
Higher education leadership explained
What is good leadership? There are many different answers to this question depending upon whom you ask. Higher education in every country and region faces a unique set of challenges, from stretched resources, fierce competition and overworked staff to huge and diverse student bodies demanding ever better teaching and support services. Amid these pressures, university leaders need to inspire, reassure, manage and hustle to drive their institutions forward sustainably. And much more than their predecessors, institutional leaders today must be outward facing, responding to the wider societal movements and issues affecting the world we live in. This collection of resources explores what skills aspiring leaders in academia need and what approaches have proven successful for those in the top jobs.
Leading with care
Driving progress on EDI
Leadership in a fast changing world
Building a supportive environment