The big picture: decolonising beyond the curriculum

By Miranda Prynne, 13 July, 2023
How decolonisation can be applied and advanced across different areas of higher education
The big picture: decolonising beyond the curriculum
How decolonisation can be applied and advanced across different areas of higher education

Decolonisation is a complex and nuanced process which, done properly, stands to challenge the very power structures upon which many universities have been built. The re-evaluation of what and how we teach and its entanglement with colonialism and race is just one part of a bigger picture. Sitting alongside it is a growing focus on Indigenisation in settler countries where the value of First Nation knowledge is increasingly recognised. A decolonial lens can be applied to every corner of higher education and brings powerful implications for driving equity, diversity and inclusion, social justice and climate change. This collection of resources examines decolonisation within and beyond the curriculum, looking at what, in practical terms, can be done to advance it.

Taking a broader view
By Eliza.Compton, 28 June, 2023
To explore what is possible, non-Indigenous scholars Mahdis Azarmandi and Sara Tolbert offer an anticolonial feminist praxis for unsettling settler institutions
By Eliza.Compton, 23 December, 2022
Decolonisation has the potential to rattle higher education’s sandstones and ivory towers, yet many struggle to know where to start. Karen Lambert and lisahunter use the context of initial teacher education in Australia to explain that it starts with you
Where decolonisation meets Indigenisation
By Eliza.Compton, 10 July, 2023
The interview process often rests on colonial perceptions of what counts as knowledge, how knowledge is generated and who ‘owns’ it. But researchers can use orienting questions to reflect upon and decentre this approach
Reading time
Back to basics
By Miranda Prynne, 22 November, 2022
Academics and students from five countries worked together to decolonise a reading list for a public health module, through a global lens. Here, they describe how they did it
Reading time
Decolonising medicine
By Miranda Prynne, 13 April, 2022
Decolonisation should not be limited to arts and social sciences, but many struggle with how to apply it across STEM disciplines. In her first resource, Musarrat Maisha Reza shares advice on effective approaches to decolonising medicine
Reading time
By Miranda Prynne, 14 April, 2022
The decolonisation of medicine involves making students active agents of their learning and designing assessments relevant to the skills gained through the process, as Musarrat Maisha Reza explains in her second advice resource on the topic
Reading time