Teaching and learning

Best practice for online, in-person and blended teaching pedagogy: educators from universities around the world share their advice, insights and experience
By Eliza.Compton, 25 August, 2023
Movies and television programmes can challenge students’ perceptions and enrich their understanding of the law. But designing an effective module requires more than a must-watch list, writes Michael Randall
Reading time
By Eliza.Compton, 23 August, 2023
Teacher presence significantly influences students’ engagement, satisfaction and learning. So educators need professional development focused on adjusting their classroom teaching skills to online learning environments
Reading time
By Sreethu.Sajeev, 21 August, 2023
Digital learning tools can support student success, but there remains resistance at some institutions in Europe. The key to adoption will be reinforcing how online delivery can personalise learning to drive student success