An example of how knowledge exchange can help remedy social injustice and bring forward previously overlooked perspectives, based on a project at Hull’s Wilberforce House Museum
The narrative that widening participation is enough is creating isolation and disillusionment among Black PhD students. How can universities move beyond it to empower Black academics?
Ongoing support, cultural sensitivity and strategic planning can create an environment where Black international students feel valued and empowered to succeed
In their new book ‘The New College President: How a Generation of Diverse Leaders is Changing Higher Education’, Terrence J. MacTaggart and Eileen B. Wilson-Oyelaran offer their step-by-step guide to finding the strongest non-traditional presidential candidates
How can equity be advanced within a system that protects the status quo, and how can university leaders make a difference? Jordan Harper, Rozana Carducci and Adrianna Kezar examine how