What basics must be considered in order to build a successful student knowledge exchange project? Sharon Ingram shares insight based on supporting a student-led chemistry consultancy
Staff development and training for architecture tutors is very limited. This resource looks back at a tutor training programme that ran from 1996 to 2002, and draws lessons for future architect-educators
Workshops that train pre-university students in open-source electronics and programming platform Arduino can broaden access to and knowledge of readily available technology. Here‘s a guide for how to design them
Universities face obstacles in helping distance learners access practical work experience. Ewout van der Schaft and Alex Mackrell share insight from initiatives at their business school
Staffed by students, epiGenesys provides profits for the university and allows students to work in a lively, supportive and successful business environment
However well-intentioned, outside interventions can have unintended consequences for local communities if carried out without rigorous research, says James Derounian
It’s not enough to focus solely on academic mission, but neither is it enough to think of universities as little more than training schools, says Sir Chris Husbands
Courses that incorporate real problems from real companies offer students a rare chance to acquire knowledge while also developing useful professional skills
There are huge risks involved if current and future healthcare professionals have to take up new forms of practice such as video consultations without sufficient training