Health and well-being

Wellness advice for university academics and staff to help them support student well-being, manage workloads, avoid burnout and build resilience and emotional stability

By Eliza.Compton, 17 June, 2024
Belonging is not just a result of being in a place – nor it is the sole preserve of students. For university faculty, it comes from chance encounters, small gestures and stepping outside your comfort zone, writes Glenn Fosbraey
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By Eliza.Compton, 10 June, 2024
The National Student Survey tells us students want their voices heard, but what if they don’t take up opportunities for feedback? Sam Perry looks at challenges of integrating student input (and wonders if chocolate is the answer)
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By Eliza.Compton, 6 June, 2024
Researchers who navigate emotionally challenging topics need support that includes well-being plans, advice on handling distress and risk assessment guidance, writes Tina Skinner. Her work has led to a series of resources for universities
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By Eliza.Compton, 28 May, 2024
In the intricate ecosystem of a university, the faculty senate allows for democratic governance and academic integrity. Here, Joseph S. Merola explains why establishing this body is not an option but an imperative
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