Advice on shaping the focus and content of programmes – looking at co-creation, future skills, decolonisation, embedding SDGs, inclusive learning, virtual and large-scale programmes
When a university is undergoing transformational change, emerging leaders are crucial for translating strategy into action. Zoë Allman and Gary Souter share their experience of leading on curriculum change
In block learning, where time is condensed, students are at a greater risk of falling behind. Here, Kevin Merry explains how formative assessment can drive targeted instruction and enable students to accelerate their learning
Including metacognition in university courses offers students a range of strategies and approaches to evaluate and improve their thinking, wrties Charlie Reis
Impermanence of resources, priorities and personnel makes curriculum reform a challenge. Here, Kirstie Smith and Simon Young offer strategies based on their experience in a regional law school
The National Student Survey tells us students want their voices heard, but what if they don’t take up opportunities for feedback? Sam Perry looks at challenges of integrating student input (and wonders if chocolate is the answer)
One of the helpful by-products emerging from the advent of AI is that we are beginning to reflect more critically on the way we think, writes David Holland
In bringing financial technology and cryptocurrency into university courses, educators must cover regulatory uncertainty, cybercrime risks and asset bubbles while keeping up with developments. Larisa Yarovaya provides insights