Best practice for online, in-person and blended teaching pedagogy: educators from universities around the world share their advice, insights and experience
Integrated projects can be a powerful tool for bolstering problem-solving capabilities and encouraging students to integrate knowledge from various courses
How can we teach students other than those studying for healthcare or other vocational qualifications to work across disciplinary boundaries and make scientific decisions in a creative – and enjoyable – manner? Here’s what we learned from running a data-driven drug-discovery scenario
Mónica Gárate presents an experiential learning methodology, including characteristics, benefits and how the professor should participate in the process
This hands-on approach to clinical practice integrates content and language and enables both local and international students to acquire communication skills and vocabulary alongside activities relevant to medical practice
From mixing up the teaching space to drawing on real-life examples, Perçem Arman outlines ways to make lessons more fun and thus increase participation
While daunting, tough questions from learners can be a catalyst for collaborative learning and critical thinking. Roma Forbes offers practical advice for how to respond in the classroom or the corridor
Lee Chien Ching and Tan Kian Lip Erick share the intricate process of producing a micromodule that attracts students through an enjoyable, interactive learning experience