Preparing for a PhD viva can be stressful, but you can take steps to ensure you answer the examiners’ questions about your thesis well. Jenny Scoles provides tips
Advice on drafting successful research proposals to secure support and funding for interdisciplinary projects, from three academics with experience developing research partnerships and collaborations
Universities have the power to create a more inclusive and empathetic world by promoting open dialogue, accountability and cultural diversity, write Christina Dzineku and Craig Mahoney
John Domingue explains how to foster a culture of openness and support that encourages and helps staff teams to pursue interdisciplinary research projects
Want your students to learn outside the lecture block and tackle problems in innovative ways? Kat Mack and Shelini Surendran offer advice on hosting an enterprise hackathon
While there are barriers for using virtual reality in the university classroom, holographic experiences could light the way forward. Gary Burnett and Vikki Locke explain how
If educators don’t understand the learning processes, they also miss the reasons why students cheat, writes Margault Sacré. Here, she offers an approach to motivate and benchmark progress
To challenge the status quo and entrenched biases of business education, we need to implement a feminist pedagogy. Nora Grasselli offers six ways to do so